Should we all think again about advertising our products and services to our customers using our newsletters?
According to a Statista survey in June 2017 more than 75% of the participating individuals classified advertising in newsletters as at least “kind of annoying”.
Annoying Newsletter Advertising
24,3% answered the question with “not too annoying” but 26,8% of the participants showed an extremely negative attitude to a conjunction of e-mail newsletters and product promotion. They judge this procedure to be “very annoying”.
As Dyfed Loesche from Statista pointed out, people expect what they had signed up for. If they did that for “for news and current affairs”, they seem to get allergic “to having the content diluted by advertising.”
On the other hand, numbers show the relevance of newsletter promotion in terms of efficiency and a reasonable ROI.
Appears, that the art of the right choice between Scylla and Charybdis will remain one of the main challenges for online marketers on their route to success.
You will find more infographics at Statista
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