Often people think about getting more spare time or gaining time slots for relevant activities. They often claim at the same time not knowing where the hours had been lost. Of course, the daily routines are one factor among others that should be examined to find the leeches. And here we should think about our – inbox…

Emails for instance still are a massive time waster. Yesterday I found an older but probably not outdated infographic from Statista listing the frequency people use to get an overview of their mailbox. Even though it wasn´t a representative survey, the results of 200 consumers and 100 retail executives in the US and Canada revealed some shocking results.

20% of the participants reported to check their mailboxes at least ten times a day, 9% even more than 15 times. 44% stated to control their email 1 to 3 times a day. 82% check at least once a day, only 18% don´t have a look into their inbox daily.


Infographic: How Often Do You Check Your Inbox? | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

German Version

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