SEO spam is a lot more common than you might believe. We recommend that you never use it because in the long run you will surely end up losing points in your race against the competition. On the other hand, it is really important to know what you are up against. This is exactly why we are going to talk a little about the most popular SEO Spam techniques that people are using at the moment.
1. Cloaking – Stealth
This was a very common spam technique in the early years of the search engines at the beginning of the 21th century that will send one information to the visitor of a page and another one towards a spider.
2. Leader Pages
In this case, we are talking about some similar documents that will meed different SE algorithm requirements. This SEO Spam trick is very popular and dates back a long time ago. You are basically using the exact same documents with a really small difference between files. Such SEO spam does not work anymore although a lot of people still use it.
3. Link Farms
When people found out about the importance of inbound links, Link Farms appeared. In these sites, you add links without being asked any questions. This also does not work anymore as Google quickly fought the phenomenon. Even so, a lot of webmasters and even SEO firms are still using them, not actually knowing that it can hurt sites or just to reach some inbound links they are selling to people that are not informed.
4. Blog – Forum Spam
Now, this is a form of SEO spam that is definitely used too much by people these days. Links coming from forums and especially blogs are really valuable and the possibility of adding a comment to them has brought in people that simply spam comments to gain backlinks.
5. Keyword Spam
As you can imagine, this technique does not work at the moment. We are talking about taking a web page and simply stuffing it with keywords. This factor was really important in the past and, unfortunately, there are still some search engines where it does work.
6. Hidden Text
Contrary to popular belief, we have 2 main types of hidden text. The first one has the same color as the background of a page (thus invisible to human eyes but not SE spiders) and the second one hidden in the back of layers or images.
Read also about the challenge, that ranking is not an easy task.