Web design is highly subjective and as such, it can be disappointing when you purchase website templates and customize it for your needs. Maybe you only end up looking awful. Here are some mistakes you must not make when buying website templates.

What Website Templates Are Not

Firstly keep in mind that although the templates are touted as being easy to edit they are not. That means they are not so easy to edit as you might like. Knowledge of CSS and HTML is required if you want to make changes beyond adding images and changing the text.

This takes us on to the next mistake people usually make: The use of a template is to save time – if you plan on editing the template a lot you will not save that much time at all. It is often easier for a web designer to start from scratch than to re-engineer another coder’s work. So, don’t make many changes. Don’t plan on moving menus or adding extra columns to the design. If you want to make big structural changes start with an empty canvas.

The third mistake in choosing templates is that sometimes cool looking designs are picked. They often don’t mesh with the content of the actual site. Primary colors do not work for accounting firm sites, just as browns and navy don’t work for Day Care center web sites. Don’t forget who your audience is. Try and find a template that was created for your niche. If your template was designed for another field then you are best to leave it and try and find something in yours. Try and find a generic template that can be easily used with little change made.

Finally: It is not for you alone

And finally, know that when you use a website template, it is not a custom website design just for you. There are lots of other sites out there that look like your one. If you want a unique web site that will work perfectly you need a professional web design company to turn your dreams into reality.

Another important parameter you have to take into account. It is the performance of your website, especially your web site speed and mobile appearance.

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